Now offering Immigration Psychosocial Evaluation! Learn More


/*! elementor - v3.5.1 - 20-12-2021 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=".svg"]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} If you are navigating the immigration process, you may have heard about a mental health psychosocial immigration evaluation, but you may not know what this is or how it can help you with your case....

/*! elementor - v3.5.1 - 20-12-2021 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=".svg"]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} Internal Family Systems therapy (IFS) recognizes each person as an ecosystem, with a core self at the center and a multitude of parts that exist around it. When the ecosystem becomes unbalanced—when parts start engaging...

/*! elementor - v3.5.1 - 20-12-2021 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=".svg"]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} Introduction If you’re looking for how to find the right therapist, it means you’ve decided to start therapy. That’s a huge step, and you should be very proud of yourself. But now you have to choose...